30 questions on Noise life balance

 Here are 30 questions about our issue!

  1. What kind of noises are considered as "Noise pollution" ?
  2. What are people bothered by the most?
  3. What do people mean by work life balance?
  4. What are unnecessary noises that can be eliminated?
  5. How noisy is Tokyo or Japan in general? 
  6. What are "noise pollutants" in Tokyo? 
  7. Are children noises considered as noise pollution?
  8. What kind of noises are noise pollutants in the countryside?
  9. To how much extent does noise affect our sleep?
  10. Do the frequent use of earplugs affect our QOL and sleep?
  11. Can noises caused by stadium events be considered as noise pollution?
  12. What are the biases regarding noise pollution? What do people think about it? 
  13. When do you feel bothered by noise?
  14. Is noise pollution discussed enough within your family or friend circle?
  15. When do you feel like your sleep is disrupted by noise?
  16. What time is the loudest in your area/neighborhood?
  17. When do people feel stressed the most?
  18. How common is noise pollution around the world? 
  19. How do you go to bed? 
  20. Why are Japanese advertisements so loud? 
  21. Why do the Japanese tolerate unnecessarily loud recycling trucks or election cars?
  22. How much dB is "dangerous"?
  23. To what degree is noise pollution a "silent killer"?
  24. How are researchers linking noise stress with physical health impairments such as cardiovascular diseases? What is the literature regarding such findings....
  25. Do you have any soundproof method in your household, apartment etc...?
  26. Why are Japanese windows so thin? 
  27. Is the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) implementing some policies to counter noise pollution in Japan?
  28. Is noise pollution discussed enough in Japanese politics?
  29. What about work life balance? What is the government doing regarding that?
  30. Does Japan have a future with noise free environment?

                                    For the bright future of Japan :) 


jodias said…
I think these are excellent questions, but one that is key to your issue that you don't address directly is "what is the relationship between noise pollution and overall well-being. In other words, how does it stack up with other stressors in our day to day lives.

Another possible question might be to check the degree to which people use the "dangerous noise level" notifications on their smart phones in order to adjust where they go and how they conduct their lives (for example, do such notifications make people attend loud live music events less often)?
Jun said…
i like turtles
Shimo said…
These 30 questions about noise pollution and its impacts on daily life, particularly in Japan, highlight the significant concerns people have regarding unnecessary noise and its effects on health and well-being. Noise pollution, ranging from loud advertisements to the noise of recycling trucks and election cars, is a prevalent issue. The questions also reflect on work-life balance, sleep disruption, and the overall stress caused by noise. It's interesting to see the inquiry into the effectiveness of current policies and soundproofing methods, as well as the societal tolerance towards noise. This compilation of questions encourages a deeper look into how noise pollution affects not just physical health but also quality of life, prompting discussions on possible improvements and solutions for a quieter, healthier environment.

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